Mid-Year Student Art Expo 2023
Our Art Expos bring people together. ¡Nos encanta celebrar el arduo trabajo de nuestros estudiantes!

We want to take a moment to highlight the remarkable talents of our students at our recent Mid-Year Student Art Exposition which was a celebration of imagination, talent, and the transformative power of art education in our community.
During the event, our students had the opportunity to exhibit their masterpieces, ranging from colorful paintings to captivating sculptures. The venue was transformed into a vibrant gallery, where families, friends, and community members gathered to appreciate and applaud the artistic achievements of our talented students.

We were immensely proud to witness how these young artists have grown in their skills and confidence through our art education programs. Your continued support has enabled us to provide them with the necessary tools and resources to explore their creativity and develop their artistic abilities. Peep the photo album below to enter the art gallery and bear witness to the talent and dedication of our students!
Please consider making a contribution to our 2023 Class Fund to continue fostering a community of young artists who are gaining confidence, unleashing their potential and expressing themselves through their artwork. We are so grateful for your support as it is what allows our programs to thrive.

Queremos tomarnos un momento para resaltar los notables talentos de nuestros estudiantes en nuestra reciente Exposición de Arte Estudiantil que fue una celebración de la imaginación, el talento y el poder transformador de la educación artística en nuestra comunidad.
Durante el evento, nuestros estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de exhibir sus obras maestras, desde pinturas coloridas hasta esculturas cautivadoras. El lugar se transformó en una galería vibrante, donde las familias, los amigos y los miembros de la comunidad se reunieron para apreciar y aplaudir los logros artísticos de nuestros talentosos estudiantes.

Estamos inmensamente orgullosos de presenciar cómo estos jóvenes artistas han crecido en sus habilidades y confianza a través de nuestros programas de educación artística. Su continuo apoyo nos ha permitido brindarles las herramientas y los recursos necesarios para explorar su creatividad y desarrollar sus habilidades artísticas. ¡Mire el álbum de fotos a continuación para ingresar a la galería de arte y sea testigo del talento y la dedicación de nuestros estudiantes!
Considere hacer una contribución a nuestro Fondo de Clase 2023 para continuar fomentando una comunidad de artistas jóvenes que están ganando confianza, liberando su potencial y expresándose a través de sus obras de arte. Estamos muy agradecidos por su apoyo, ya que es lo que permite que nuestros programas prosperen.

Please consider making a contribution to our crowdfunding campaign!
A donation of just $25 supports a child in our educational programs for 4 weeks.
A donation of $65 supports a child for 8 weeks: 32 hours of English classes with a TEFL certified teacher & 48 hours of Art classes.
A donation of $200 supports a child in our educational programs for 8 months.
A donation of $250 will support a child in our educational programs for the entire year: 460 hours of high-quality, free supplementary education.
Please consider making a donation. We appreciate your donation in ANY amount. Thank you for being a part of the CREAR family.